Key Specifications/Special Features
- Anti-slip surface
- Heavy-duty good-quality rubber
- Can be used in stables and gyms
- Non-porous and easily cleaned
- Our heavy-duty rubber stable mats have been laid on a variety of bases including concrete, earth, compressed sand, bricks and cobbles
- Heavy rubber mats bed down well on almost any surface and once down stay put
- Bubble top surface is anti-slip, while the broad ridge underside allows for maximum drainage
- Rubber matting for stables is beneficial to both horse and owner
- Our solid horse mats are non-porous and easily cleaned and are generally easier on the horse than concrete or other hard surfaces
- Will not swell, curl or lift, and needs no fastening
- It is still important to use some bedding to absorb the wet and to give more comfort
- Our stabble matting is also used in a number of other surroundings and is very popular within a gym environment
- Gym owners purchase the stable mats and turn them upside down and use the underneath gym equipment and they provide a very sturdy base that the equipment won't move around on